Exploring Alternative Therapies in Substance Abuse Treatment

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Are you looking for alternative therapies in the treatment of substance abuse? Read this article to learn about the therapies. Deciding to take the initiative to seek treatment for drug abuse is much progress. Researchers indicate that 85% of drug users who seek treatment report to still be sober nine months after rehab.

Using the traditional approaches to therapy such as counseling, with alternative therapies that approach body and mind, can make the treatment successful. Check the alternative therapies for treatment.

1. Practicing Meditation


Mental wellness and self-control can help in reducing drug addictions. Frequent use of drugs can be a coping means to avoid stress or make a decision in your life. Meditation is practiced to help patients be aware of their thoughts and emotions to reduce reliance on substances. This prevents relapse in addicts. Meditation relaxes the mind and helps to control negative thoughts that may cause addiction. The patient can meditate when dealing with stress.

2. Doing Yoga


It is stretches that help the mind and body to relax. Yoga connects mind and body, which relieves stress. Treatments that use medication and yoga can improve the well-being of the patient. If you are in Arizona, you can look for Scottsdale umr drug rehab near you and get treatment that focuses on your mind, body, and spirit. Yoga can help the patient to understand  what makes them want drugs and have control of their emotions. This is effective in their daily lives even after the treatment is done.

3. Art Therapy

This allows the patients to speak their thoughts and imaginations through art. This therapy includes painting, drawing, and music. This reduces stress and anxiety, which cause substance abuse. You will need to work with the therapist to determine which form of art you enjoy the most and that it reduces negative thoughts. For instance, if you love music, the therapist can suggest some suitable music genres that help you express your emotions better.

4. Nutritional Therapy

Substance abuse affects a person’s appetite, causing nutritional imbalance. Withdrawal of drugs in the body causes diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Nutritional therapy can improve balance in the body. You can get help  from nutritionists on eating frequently, having fruits and vegetables, and eating lean proteins. A patient can benefit from this, as they are advised to drink more water, which increases fluid in the body. Nutritional therapy helps in the recovery of lost nutrients in the body.

5. Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture Therapy

This is an ancient Chinese practice that injects small needles into specific areas of the body to increase balance. It works in cases of drug addiction. Acupuncture reduces anxiety, and heals the body. It reduces  withdrawal symptoms after stopping drugs. Ensure you have a qualified therapist to avoid injuries from the needles. Acupuncture is good for detoxifying the liver.

Alternative therapies in substance abuse treatment focus on the mind and body. You can use the approach of meditation, yoga, art, nutritional or Acupuncture therapy. You can apply counseling, yoga, medication, and meditation can improve the treatment success and prevent relapse. You should undergo these treatments under the guidance of a qualified therapist.

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